

Search is done through the Search box in top row.

Basically the search is a logical AND search. That means all the words you put in the query will be used. Search is always case insensitive.

You can attach a minus sign - immediately before a keyword or phrase to exclude pages that contain this keyword from your search results. For example, the query [ kataoka -ichiro ] will find pages which contain „kataoka“ but do not contain „ichiro“.

You can perform a partial matching by prefixing and/or suffixing an asterisk * to a keyword. For example, searching for [ ichiro ] will only find „ichiro“, but searching for [ ichir* ] will also find „ichirō“ (prefix matching). You can also perform [ *chiro ] (suffix matching) and [ *chir* ] (partial matching).

You can search for exact phrases by putting double quotes around a set of words, e.g. [ „ichiro kataoka“ ].

You can also use a logical OR search by using | or or as a separator of your search terms. For example, the query [ ichiro | kataoka ] will find pages which contain either „ichiro“ or „kataoka“ or both. The query [ ichiro or kataoka ] will do the same thing. You may use this as a simple alternative to partial matching (*), e.g. in finding pages about people with spelling variations as [ Ichiro | Ichirō ].